Kafululu Primary School
On our first visit to the school in September 2022, the students left an instant impression on our team.
Why this kindergartner’s tummy is always rumbling
Patience didn't eat breakfast today.
Truth is, Patience never gets to eat breakfast.
But she never lets it get her down.
Nabusanga Primary School - Chicken Farm Expansion
We recently funded the expansion of Nabusanga’s chicken house, doubling its capacity!
LifePump by Design Outreach in Shamutinta
We began our September 2022 trip with a visit to a village in Chongwe to see a LifePump in action.
Nabusanga Primary School
Since 2016, Day by De has had an ongoing relationship with Nabusanga Primary School in Kabwe, a few hours north of Lusaka. It began with the funding to construct a 1.5-acre vegetable garden to support the school’s 750 students and 30 teachers.
Chongwe Secondary School
We’re thrilled to announce the completion of the first phase of the Chongwe Secondary School chicken farm and garden project. This school was selected from several candidates in August of 2021, after evaluating partner schools using criteria such as available land, reliable electricity and water sources, and long-term security.
Zambian Food Culture: Nshima And Fried Caterpillars
When our U.S. team travels to Zambia to survey the progress at our various school sites, we inevitably have the chance to discover many unique aspects of the local culture. Food, in particular, is a universal language that brings us together, and Zambian food can be summed up in one word: nshima.